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I am so grateful for this treasured childhood that set me on an incredible journey and for this original 16mm movie film taken by my dad in Kenya in the early 50's.

Kate Jenvey 


Kate is a professional artist working in the media of oil, graphite and coloured pencil with nature as her inspiration, mainly wildlife and horses. She is a signature member of Artists for Conservation and the Society of Animal Artists.


Kate was guest artist on the TV show ‘Colour in your Life’ and her work has been published in ‘Strokes of Genius’ 9 and 10. She exhibits her work nationally and internationally and has been part of some esteemed art shows including ‘Western Visions’ at the National Museum of Wildlife Art (USA) and ‘Arts for the Parks’, winning the Grand Teton Lodge Award. Kate participated in the Artist-in-Action program with the National Museum of Wildlife Art (USA) as part of her art and educational program.


Kate manages her blog where tips and questions can be exchanged and you can see some work-in-progress and new art straight off the easel.

© Kate Jenvey 2025. No Images may be reproduced in any way, shape or form without written permission from the artist.

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